Cultivation Cards

In-depth fact sheets on cacti and succulents (text cards, not plants!). Each sheet, supplied in pdf format that can be downloaded directly from the site after payment and will also be sent by email, is in color, is accompanied by various photos and consists of at least 4 pages. The cards deal with the genus in detail and deal with its history, cultivation needs (soil, exposure, watering, minimum temperatures) and much more. The cards are printable so that they can also be collected and stored in paper format. Download the free cultivation card to evaluate the quality of the work with your own eyes!

 IMPORTANT  – To purchase the cards, it is NOT necessary to be a subscriber to the site.

 PAYMENT  – For payment you have 2 options: PayPal (you do NOT necessarily have to be registered with PayPal to make the payment), and credit card (also prepaid), via Stripe circuit.

The cards are displayed as follows: Cactaceae and Succulents (e.g. Aloe, Crassula, Euphorbia, Echeveria, etc.)

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