Genera from A to C

Ariocarpus agavoides

On this page, you will find a series of cards related to different genera of cacti. The cards, ordered in alphabetical order, are all accompanied by photographs of plants (almost always in flower to help in the identification) and extensively describe the genus, identify the origin and indicate the main species related to it. Also, the cards show the proper cultivation techniques (watering, soil, exposure, temperature, etc.) for each genus. A mention, in almost all the cards, finally concerns the sowing of that particular genus.

In this first section, you find the genera from A to C, such as Acanthocalycium, Ancistrocactus, Ariocarpus, Blossfeldia, Cintia, Copiapoa, Coryphantha and many others.

At this link, you can find the entire section with all the cards of the cacti.

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