In Arizona the extreme heat is killing the giant “Saguaros”, the “Kings of the desert”

Were it not for the fact that national newspapers and international agencies report the news, one would have to think of yet another fake news. Instead, unfortunately, everything is true: the anomalous heat wave that has been hitting Arizona in recent weeks – not unlike the heat bubble that gripped Italy until a few days ago – it’s hitting hard the giants of the desert, i.e. the “Saguaros”. Hard to believe, but even the symbolic cactus, the cactus par excellence, is unable to cope with the excessive heat that is oppressing Arizona, an American state which also has its symbol in the Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea). In other words, plants that have evolved to cope with drought for thousands of years are literally falling apart, ravaged by temperatures.

Here, in this article, is what is happening as reported by authoritative sources such as TGCOM24 and AP (Associated Press). (…)

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From the Anza-Borrego park in California, stunning photos of Ferocactus in their habitat

The genus Ferocactus is among the most appreciated and cultivated by cactus enthusiasts. It is the thorny cactus par excellence, with strong and long thorns, often hooked, and with age it can reach considerable size even if cultivated in pots. Let’s see, in this wonderful gallery of photos taken by Ben Grillo, how these plants grow in their natural habitat. (…)

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Echinocactus polycephalus: an extraordinary series of photos to see how it grows in habitat

Observing cacti and succulent plants in their natural environment is very useful. It allows us to get to know the plants we grow and allows us to understand in what conditions they live in their habitat, so that we can then try, as far as possible, to create optimal conditions for their correct growth.

Comparing with other growers and investing in some targeted travel is undoubtedly the best, but there is also a lot to learn from photographs. For this reason, very gladly, I publish a series of extraordinary contributions made with the beautiful photographs taken by my friend Ben Grillo, whom I sincerely thank for his contribution to this site.

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